Wednesday, February 23, 2011

FanFict _I will Never Let U Go Part 1_

Title : I Will Never Let You Go Part 1
Author : Aya Elfishysnowercloudsryeosomnia
Genre : Romance???
Cast :
 Kim Jong Woon as Yesung
 Kim Ryeowook as Ryeowook
 Kim Young Woon as Mr.KangIn
 Park Hye Jin as HyeJin
 Kim Hyo Ra as HyoRa
Maaf kalo kosa katanya masih amburadul alias berantakan,,, maklumlah kan masih FF pertamaku,, kyuuu~~ #lho?? Salah. Kya~~ Langsung ajah yuk  1. . . 2. . . 3. . . 
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Nan nol pume ango nara
Purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)
Jamdun noui ib machul koya
Life couldn't get better (hey~)
Noui mame munul yoro jwo
Gude ne sonul jabayo
Life couldn't get better
(life couldn't get better)
(Super Junior-Miracle)
Alarm di kamar Hyora berbunyi, membangunkan HyoRa dari alam mimpinya
“Iiih, apaan sih ni alarm, Ganggu tidur ajah!” gerutu HyoRa pada dirinya sendiri
“Jam berapa sih ini?” HyoRa mengambil HPnya “Mwo? Jam 6?” HyoRa langsung berlari menyambar handuknya lalu ngabur ke kamar mandi
Selang 5 menit kemudian, HyoRa selesai mandi #Gila nih cewek, mandinya kilat banget
“HyoRa, cepat turun, Yesung sudah menunggumu di depan” teriak Umma HyoRa dari bawah
“Iya Umma, HyoRa turun.” HyoRa turun dengan tergesa-gesa sambil merapikan bajunya
“Umma, HyoRa berangkat dulu yah!” HyoRa mencium tangan Ummanya
“Kamu nggak sarapan dulu?” tanya Ummanya khawatir
“Gampanglah nanti. Bye Umma” HyoRa melangkah keluar, terlihat Yesung sedang menunggunya di depan mobilnya
“Lama sekali sih”
“Mianhe, oppa. Tadi aku bangun kesiangan”
“Ya udah, gwenchana. Cepet naik” HyoRa segera naik ke mobil Yesung. Dan kemudian mobil Yesung berlalu.
Di mobil Yesung. . .
“Hey, kamu yeoja koq berantakan banget sih, sisir tuh rambut.” Yesung membuka percakapan
“Hah?” HyoRa mengeluarkan cermin dari tasnya “Haduh, mian oppa, tadi aku teburu-buru”
“Nih” Yesung memberikan sisir pada HyoRa
Hyora POV
Hi, aku Kim Hyo Ra, namun aku biasa di panggil HyoRa. Aku adalah yeoja kelas 1 SMA Sapphire Blue. Dan yang disampingku saat ini, kamu tau, dia adalah kakak kelasku dan namja most wanted di sekolah. Eitss, jangan dikira kami berpacaran. Tidak, dia hanya menganggapku sebagai dongsaengnya saja, tidak lebih. Kenapa kami bisa dekat? Karena ummanya dia temannya ummaku. Aku bahagia sekali kalau ada di dekatnya.
HyoRa POV end
Yesung POV
Hello, aku Kim Jong Woon, tetapi sejak kecil umma biasa memanggilku Yesung. Katanya aku punya suara emas, jadinya umma memanggilku Yesung. Aku adalah namja kelas 2 SMA Sapphire Blue. Aku most wanted? Tidak juga, jangan dengarkan apa yang dikatakan HyoRa, dia suka terlalu melebih-lebihkan sesuatu alias lebay. Yah, tapi aku akui sih, aku memang banyak dilirik yeoja-yeoja dari yang seangkatan, adik kelas, maupun kakak kelas *Author: hah? Sombong sekali kau yesung, kalo begitu aku tidak mau jadi pacarmu lagi #plakkkk * Dan yang ada di sampingku saat ini, kalian tau sendiri kan, dia itu yeoja gila, heboh sendiri, haduh pokoknya anaknya rame banget. Tapi itulah yang aku suka dari dia. Dia sudah aku anggap seperti dongsaengku sendiri.
Yesung POV end
Sesampainya di sekolah. . .
Saat aku dan Yesung oppa turun dari mobil, ternyata HyeJin sudah ada dihadapan kami. Aku paling benci keadaan ini, HyeJin itu kakak kelasku, lebih tepatnya temannya Yesung oppa. Tapi jangan harap aku akan memanggilnya dengan sebutan unnie, haduh najis banget deh. Dia selalu melempar senyuman sinis padaku. Entahlah, mungkin dia cemburu aku selalu berangkat bersama Yesung oppa.
“Aduh, namjaku. Ayo kita ke kelas.” Ajak HyeJin
“Hey, jangan pernah panggil aku dengan sebutan namja. Kau tahu, aku tidak suka kau memanggil dengan sebutan itu. Memangnya aku namjachingumu?” kata Yesung oppa berlalu meninggalkan HyeJin
“Hey, kau, kalian pacaran yah!” HyeJin menghardikku
“Apaan sih kau. Kau mau tau saja urusan orang.”
“Heh, kau junior yang kurang ajar, sama seniornya nggak manggil pake sebutan unnie.” HyeJin marah-marah padaku, emang gue pikirin
“Hah? Memanggil kamu pake sebutan unnie. Aduh, najis banget deh HyeJin” aku bergegas pergi ke kelasku, muak aku melihat mukanya
Aku muak banget deh liat muka si HyeJin itu. Tiap pagi liat muak nenek sihir. Jangan sampai deh dia jadi pacarnya Yesung oppa. Aku gak akan pernah rela.
HyoRa POV end
HyoRa memasuki kelasnya yang sudah ramai dengan anak-anak yang sibuk mengerjakan PRnya. HyoRa pun ikut nimbrung karena dia juga belum mengerjakan PR. Tapi, sayangnya bel tanda masuk berbunyi.
“Sial!” pikir HyoRa “Mampus dah, padahal ni pelajaran Mr.Killer. Jadi apa aku ntar!” HyoRa pasrah
“Annyeong Haseyo. Sekarang kumpulkan PR kalian. Yang tidak mengerjakan, harap ke depan.” Mr. KangIn
“Hah? Gila nih guru. Datang-datang langsung nanyain PR.” gerutu HyoRa sambil melangkah maju
“Kamu? siapa namamu? Kenapa kamu tak mengerjakan PR?” Mr.KangIn mulai beraksi
“HyoRa,Mr.” jawab HyoRa
“Ya, kamu HyoRa. Mengapa kamu tak mengerjakan PR? Apakah kamu tidak takut dengan hukuman saya?”tanya Mr.KangIn
“Apapun hukumannya, saya terima Mr.” jawab HyoRa dengan santainya
“Kamu? ya sudahlah, kamu saya beri tugas membuat artikel tentang perang dunia minimal 10 halaman. Dan jangan lupa dikumpulkan besok pagi. Dan kamu boleh duduk sekarang.” Mr. KangIn kembali ke kursinya *Author: Gila nih guru, masak suruh buat artikel tentang perang dunia 10 halaman*
Ryeowook POV
Hi, aku Kim Ryeowook. Panggil saja aku Ryeowook. Aku namja kelas 1 SMA Sapphire Blue teman sekelas HyoRa. Sudah sejak SMP aku menyukai yeoja itu. Dia tak seperti yeoja-yeoja yang lain. Dia memang agak aneh, yah tapi aku tetap menyukainya. Sayangnya, sampai saat ini dia tak tahu kalau aku menyukainya. Mmm, aku lihat dia sedang dekat dengan seorang namja. Yah, namja itu nggak salah lagi, Yesung, most wanted di sekolah ini. Tapi, HyoRa bilang padaku mereka tidak berpacaran.
Ryeowook POV end
Saat Istirahat. . .
“Aduh, guru gila. Masak aku suruh buat artikel tentang 10 halaman. Dikumpulin besok pagi lagi. Gila.” HyoRa melangkah ke Kantin yang ramai banget
Karena kantin yang penuh, HyoRa akhirnya pergi ke perpustakaan mencari bahan untuk refrensinya..

To Be Continue….
Annyeong chigudeul,
Ini FF pertamaku loh, mian kalau masih gak karuan…
Maklumlah baru pemula, kekekeke
Jangan lupa tinggalkan jejak yah. . .
Kritik dan saran anda sangat saya harapkan…

Super Junior M - 太完美 (PERFECTION) [Official MV+Lyrics]

>> Super Junior M - 太完美 (PERFECTION) Lyrics
Ta mi zhu wo shi xian
Ta mi zhu wo shi xian

Zai ai qing li de bao zang bei wo fa xian
Ni jiu shi wo xun zhao de xi shi bao bei

Ni jiu bu duan de zai jiao fan wo shi jie
Lian bing kuai yu jian ni dou ran qi huo yan

Tai guo xin ji bu dui,yong li ai hui sui
Tai guo huan man bu dui, wo sui zhe jin huo tui

Oh Tai wan mei, ni yan li wo chu xian
Oh bu rang shui, ti wo zai ni shen bian

Ni de mei yan, ni de ce lian ,ni de jing jian ,ni de wu mei
Ni de yi qie,cong tou dao wei , wo yi lun xian

Wo de xin bian cheng le kou dai de yin yue
Just for you, bu ting de gei bu ting de gei

Zhe yang zi ai ni dao di shi dui bu dui
Wo yi bian mi huo yi bian geng jia mi lian

Tai guo xin ji bu dui,yong li ai hui sui
Tai guo huan man bu dui, wo sui zhe jin huo tui

Oh Tai wan mei, ni yan li wo chu xian
Oh bu rang shui, ti wo zai ni shen bian ,woo~

Ni de mei yan, ni de ce lian ,ni de jing jian ,ni de wu mei
Ni de yi qie,cong tou dao wei , wo yi lun xian

Oh tai wan mei
Oh bu rang shui
Oh tai wan mei

mei yi ci jin ye shen mai duo jiu dou ji de ta
zai wo quan shen kuang diao bu yao jian~

Yi zhi tiao yi zhi tiao xiang jian ni
Yi zhi tiao yi zhi tiao xi huan ni
Yi zhi tiao yi zhi tiao dou shi ni
Yi zhi tiao yi zhi tiao wo ai ni
Yi zhi tiao 4x

Tai guo xin ji bu dui,yong li ai hui sui
Tai guo huan man bu dui, wo sui zhe jin huo tui

Oh Tai wan mei, ni yan li wo chu xian
Oh bu rang shui, ti wo zai ni shen bian ,woo~

Ni de mei yan, ni de ce lian ,ni de jing jian ,ni de wu mei
Ni de yi qie,cong tou dao wei , wo yi lun xian

Eunhyuk’s rap:
Bob the music let it hit go down
To the floor let we break it down
Let me ill
Let me show you all the bling bling
Oh let me kiss kiss baby dance with me

Henry’s Rap:
Boom Boom Boom when i get another
Clap Clap Clap let’s go
Shake your body Move your body Kick your feet up
Imma move to the groove Baby imma go down

yao bu ting xiang wo
yao bu ting ai wo
yao bu ting xiang wo
yao bu ting ta xiang wo
yao bu ting ta ai wo

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Special For Hangeng Birthday

Hi ELFs, Aku mau bagi-bagi curhat nih. Ini spesial buat Hangeng oppa yg ulang tahun kemarin 9 Februari, tapi maaf aja nge-postnya telat. Hehehehe
WARNING: Mengandung kata-kata ‘LEBAY’. So, bagi yang gak suka, DON’T READ DON’T BASHING!!!!!
OK, check it out.... Enjoy it^^

Saengil Chukaehamnida Hankyung oppa. . .
Wish u all the best, Be better ya. . .
God Bless You, Oppa. . .
Oppa. . .
Semoga kau mendapat cukup kebahagiaan di hari ulang tahunmu
Kebahagiaan untuk menggantikan kesedihan-kesedihanmu
Semoga kau mendapat cukup kasih sayang di hari ulang tahunmu
Kasih sayang dari orang orang yang menyayangimu termasuk aku
Semoga kau mendapat cukup cinta di hari ulang tahunmu
Cinta-cinta untuk mengisi kehampaan hatimu
Oppa. . .
Bagaimana keadaanmu sekarang?
Apakah kau makan dengan teratur?
Apakah kau tidur dengan nyenyak?
Apakah kau bebas sekarang?
Apakah kau lebih bahagia tanpa mereka?
Tahukah kau oppa. . .
Air mataku jatuh dengan bebas membasahi pipiku. . .
Mengenangmu menghadirkan kesedihan di hati. . .
Aku merindukanmu oppa. . .
Rindu tawamu diantara ke-12 orang itu
Rindu kehadiranmu di atas panggung ber-13 dengan mereka
Rindu tangismu saat kau merindukan rumahmu
Aku merindukan semua hal tentangmu oppa. . . 

Friday, February 4, 2011

HanGeng Want Back One Stage with Super Junior ..

“I know every job is not easy, that’s why I have to appreciate your efforts. Whatever you ask, I will answer. ”

Once the statement Han Geng (26) to a reporter who asked for time to interview with him.

The reporter was taken aback. Han Geng changed his views about as fast as blink of the eye. Understandably, when it was joined in the Korean boy band Super Junior, the man from Hei Long Jiang, China, it seemed unattainable.

“Her tone was casual, but I feel the true sincerity. An hour conversation with him opened my eyes in recognizing the new figure of Han Geng a sincere, friendly, and full of gratitude. It’s really an ideal kind of guy, “I’m the reporter was amazed.

Initial chat about his decision would come out of SM Entertainment, a management major role in a brilliant career in the entertainment industry.

“I do not care people say I do not know the feeling grateful, nuts forgot their skin, or whatever. What is certain though conditions are different now, I must admit the experience in Korea gave me a lot of science and learning. They are a big part in achievements. Memory is very important. But somehow the past and I will not dissolve in it. I’d better think about the future and focus on doing what can be done now, “she said firmly.

Han Geng conscious decision to make a lot of disappointed parties - especially those Super Junior fans who want their idol groups are always intact. But Han Geng stressed, not to worry. Although no longer be under the auspices of the group and the same management, his heart would turn to the friends.

“My feelings on the personnel Super Junior is still the same. I also still and kept trying to maintain relationships. Precisely this makes us grow up together. And if the law allows, I hope to go back to Korea and performed at one stage. My dream-13 we were able to sing, dance, and play games together. ”

Anyway, there was no point in arguing Han Geng’s decision is right or wrong. Clearly, one of the Olympic torch bearer has a strong consideration, although choosing not mention it again.

“I think for someone experiencing tough times is not always bad. We can see it from a different perspective. Bypassing all I’ve ever felt, that my own experience that had nothing to do with other people. So, I do not need to tell all the difficulties that had to hurt. All the past will I keep as learning, “he said wisely.

Hmmm, but basically Han Geng was not the kind of people are fond indulgence in the story though. When at the age of 12 years he had lived in Beijing to leave her parents for the sake of knowledge, do not think he never grieve.

“Honestly, I still face various trials. But whether it is good or bad, usually I do not talk to parents. I’m afraid they are worried. I just want them happy, so I chose not to burden with anything. If sad, I usually find my friends, asking them to tell what is being undertaken and I’m not much talking. Basically I’m not smart people express themselves. If there’s anything better I keep myself. At least I listen to music, play games, watch TV, movies, or just relax. Sometimes if you’ve had enough, I could cry, “said the man who mastered 56 types of Chinese traditional dance this.

Super Junior (슈퍼주니어) -Twins (Knock Out) lyric with individual part

[SIWON] Gunyorul chajima doisang noege
Amuron gamjongdo nama ijil anhde
[HANKYUNG] Ijedonun bigurhe jiryogo hajima
Imi ne jajonshimun badage inungol

[SUNGMIN] Anya gugon aniya
[LEETEUK] Anya gugon aniya
[SUNGMIN] Gunyo hana puninde

[HEECHUL] Negen boji anhnun ne gasume gurimja
To dashinal pemejaui odumane gaduji

[KANGIN] Ganghejyoya henunde
[SUNGMIN] Ganghejyoya henunde
[KANGIN] igon nega aningol yeah

[RYEOWOOK] Neane narul jugyo kuthkaji sawo igyo

Knock out
[KIBUM] Jo unmyongun bandushi je galgirul gaji
Knock out
[KIBUM] Piharyohedo jolde soyong obji
Knock out
[KIBUM] Badaduryo you can't do this fight because
[KANGIN] Negeson gunyoga gidehalge objanha

I wanna knock out
[DONGHAE] Anya nanun gobuhagesso gudero
Knock out
[DONGHAE] Tahyobhanun salmul sanungod I wanna
Knock out
[DONGHAE] Nega wonhanungon moduda
Kuthkaji sawo nan reason is I'm alive

[SUNGMIN] Oriljogbutho nan jonjegami obsoji
Jumogul badunjog dan hanbondo obso
[SIWON] Twijima hajima gunyang junggan mankhum na
Gujoguron salmingol jonghenwa boryosso

[LEETEUK] Nanun hanapun ingol
[YESUNG] Nanun hanapun ingol
[LEETEUK] tugbyorheya henunde

[HANKYUNG] Negen boiji anhnun ne gasume gurimja
To dashinal pebejaui odumane gaduji

[LEETEUK] I don't really understand do kunsangchopuninde yeah

[RYEOWOOK]Neane narul jugyo kuthkaji sawo igyo

Knock out
[HEECHUL] Juojin salme sungboghe ochaphi
Knock out
[HEECHUL] I sesange nonun jagun jom angure
Knock out
[HEECHUL] Badaduryo you can't do this fight because
Nayaghan noingol bolsso ijoboryona

I wanna knock out
[EUNHYUK] Anya nanun gobuhagesso unmyongun
Knock out
[EUNHYUK] Gechoghanun naui jonripum I wanna
Knock out
[EUNHYUK] Bunmyonghangod hana objiman
Kuthkaji sawo nan reason is I'm alive

I wanna knock out
[KIBUM] You know I wanna out the light I wanna
Knock out
[KIBUM] You know I wanna start a fight I wanna
Knock out
[KIBUM] You know I wanna do this right
[LEETEUK] Do isang poginun naege oulliji anhnungol

I wanna knock out
[EUNHYUK] Neane norul jugyosso naegen
Knock out
[EUNHYUK] Mangsoril shiganjocha obnungol I wanna
Knock out
[EUNHYUK] Ne insenge peijirul wonjome

[YESUNG] Got to get you out of my life

Knock out
[DONGHAE] Juojin salme sungboghe ochaphi
Knock out
[DONGHAE] I sesange nonun jagun jom angure
Knock out
[DONGHAE] Badaduryo you can't do this fight because
[KANGIN] Nayaghan noingol bolsso ijoboryona

I wanna knock out
[HEECHUL] Anya nanun gobuhagesso unmyongun
Knock out
[HEECHUL] Gechoghanun naui jonripum I wanna
Knock out
[HEECHUL] Bunmyonghangod hana objiman
Kuthkaji sawo nan reason is I'm alive

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Story about Super Junior, the first time I know them

My Story about Super Junior, the first time I know them
Super Junior, usually many people call them Suju or SJ is a boy band from South Korean formed by SM Entertainment that has 13 members. In the first, this boy band just has 12 members, they are Leeteuk (leader), Heechul, Hangeng (he is from China), Yesung, KangIn, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, but since May 2006, one members added into Super Junior, his name is Kyuhyun, until now Super Junior has 13 members. Although Hangeng now doesn’t with Super Junior again, but for ELF, Super Junior always has 13 members and 2 member as support.
I want share my story, the first time I knew Super Junior. Okay, I don’t like lips service. Check it out, Enjoy it^^
I knew Super Junior from my friend. When I talked with her, suddenly she talked about Korean boyband especially Super Junior. I felt interested. Then I asked her, can she gave Super Junior songs to me? She agreed, she gave some Super Junior MV, like Don’t Don, Sorry Sorry, and Twins (Knock Out)
After I watched the MV, suddenly I felt in love with them. I didn’t know why? That felt suddenly came to my heart. I love them since August 12th 2010, So I have been loving them for 6 months.
I very thankful to my friend. Because of she, now I have many friends from another country. They are ELF too XD

Super Junior Members

Park Jung Soo (박정수)
Stage Name : Lee Teuk (이특)
Chinese Name : 朴 正 秀 / 李 特
English Name : Dennis Park
Nickname(s): Angel without Wings (날개잃은천사), Gaeteuk (개특, named by Heechul), Special Leader (특별한리더), Peter Pan, Ori (오리 aka Duck)
Date of Birth: July 1, 1983
Place of Birth: Seoul Yeonshinnae (서울 연신내 은평구)
Height: 178 cm/5' 10.1" in (said on Star King that his real height without shoelifts is 175 cm/5' 9")
Weight: 59 kg/129.8 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: older sister Park Inyoung (1982)
Specialty/Hobby: Piano, Composition, Listening to music, Singing
Education: Transferred from Paekche Institute of the Arts (백제예술대학) to Inha University (인하대학교)
Misc. Info.: Leeteuk was wandering around lost in the streets of Seoul when an SM scout saw him and gave him a business card. He auditioned in 2000 and made his first appearance the same year as an extra sitting in an auditorium in MBC's "All About Eve." His stage name Eeteuk (이특) means "special."

Kim Hee Chul (김희철)
Chinese Name : 金 希 澈
English Name : Casey Kim
Nickname(s): Heenim (희님), Cinderella (신데렐라), Flower (꽃), Kim Pink (김분홍), Kim Moodswing (김기복), Kim Cherry (from Youngstreet), Snake (from the Zodiac), Heerobbong (part of the Bbong brothers with Donghae and U-Know Yunho), Heebongie Hyung (Yesung's nickname for Heechul)
Date of Birth: July 10, 1983
Place of Birth: Hoengseong County, Kangwondo (강원도 횡성군); grew up in Wonju, Kangwondo (강원도 원주) where his parents still reside
Height: 179 cm/5' 10.5" in (stated in his 100Q/100A from August 26, 2007 that his height is actually 178 cm/5' 10.1")
Weight: 60 kg/132 lb
Blood Type: AB
Siblings: older sister Kim Heejin (1982)
Pets: Heebum (Russian Blue cat) since 11/11/06, Champagne (Siamese cat) since 7/26/08; used to have Yamchae (Russian Blue cat) given to him by fans from 7/13/05 to 11/3/05, but he ran away while Heechul was away for a few days filming.
Specialty/Hobby: Writing poems, Writing fairy tales, Computer games
Education: Sangji University (상지대학교); reportedly graduated in 2008.
Official Website:
Soompi Thread:
Misc. Info.: On a whim, Heechul searched the internet for entertainment companies and it so happened that SM was having open auditions so he went with his friends to Seoul to sightsee/audition. Being unfamiliar with the area, he got lost and missed the open audition hours. They told him that it was too late, but according to him, took one look at his face and changed their minds :) He was allowed to audition and was cast through Starlight Casting System in October 2002. He debuted as an actor on March 6, 2005 through the youth drama KBS's "Banolim 2" as Baek Jinwoo.

Han Geng (韩 庚)
Korean Name : 한 경 (Han Kyung)
English Name : Joshua Tan
Nickname(s): Beijing Fried Rice (북경밥 aka Bukkyungbap; came during "Full House," from Hangeng mispronouncing and Heechul mishearing 볶음밥 aka Bokkeumbap which just means fried rice in Korean), Dragon (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: February 9, 1984
Place of Birth: Mudanjiang in the Hei Long Jiang (黑龙江/흑륭성) Province, located in the northeastern part of China
Height: 181 cm/5' 11.3"
Weight: 66 kg/145.2 lbs
Blood Type: B (he originally thought he was O then A. It was only in summer 2006 that he found out that his blood type was B.)
Siblings: only child
Pets: used to have Rong Rong (dog) which was given to him by fans for a little while in March-June 2007, but had to give him away because he wasn't home enough to take care of him; Mao Mao (lives with Hankyung's parents in China)
Specialty/Hobby: Chinese traditional dance, Ballet, Computer games
Education: Central University for Nationalities (중앙민족대학교)
Soompi Thread:
Misc. Info.: Hangeng accompanied a friend who was auditioning at the H.O.T. CHINA Audition in 2001 and was talked into auditioning himself. He was chosen as a handful among 3000 who auditioned. He made his debut as a model in a fashion show F/W General idea by Bum Suk in May 2005.

Kim Joong Woon (김종운)
Stage Name : Ye Sung (예성)
Chinese Name : 金 鐘 雲 / 藝 聲
English Name : Jerome Kim
Nickname(s): Cloud (구룸), Dog (from the Zodiac), Rabid Dog (광견; Heechul's nickname for Yesung)
Date of Birth: August 24, 1984
Place of Birth: Chunahn in Southern Choongchung Province (충남 천안)(충청남도 천안)
Height: 178 cm/5' 10.1"
Weight: 64 kg/140.8 lb
Blood Type: AB
Siblings: younger brother Kim Jongjin (1987)
Pets: a turtle named Ttangkkoma (땅꼬마 which means 'small runt') since 12/4/08; he mentioned on "Olnbam" that it cost him 200,000 won (~$150).
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Exercise
Education: Chungwoon University (청운대학교), Broadcast Music major, possibly transferred to Sunmoon University (선문대학교); reportedly graduated in early 2009.
Misc. Info.: Yesung won gold in the 1999 ChunAn Singing Contest. He was encouraged to audition for SM by his mother who secretly submitted his application without telling him. He auditioned for SM in 2001. His stage name Yesung (예성) is an acronym for 예술가의 성대 which means "Vocal Chords of an Artist."

Kim Young Woon (김영운)
Stage Name : KangIn (강인)
Chinese Name : 强 仁
English Name : Jordan Kim
Nickname(s): Kang Kings (강깅쓰), Kkang (깡), Neoguri (너구리 aka Racoon, named by Anya from "Full House"), Ox (from the Zodiac), Youngchoon (영춘; Heechul's nickname for Kangin, Heechul claims that this is Kangin's real first name)
Date of Birth: January 17, 1985
Place of Birth: Seoul Seodaemoongoo HongEunDong (서울 서대문구 홍은동) (서울 서대문구)
Height: 180 cm/5' 10.9"
Weight: 70 kg/154 lb
Blood Type: O
Siblings: only child
Pets: Gongju (공주 which means Princess; it's a female Japanese Spitz, shown on ChinChin 11/7/08; the coordi noona told him that her eyes look just like his so he bought it)
Specialty/Hobby: Acting, Singing, Exercise (kick boxing), Swimming
Education: Kyunghee University (경희대학교)
Soompi Thread:
Misc. Info.: Kangin was on a class field trip goofing off with his friends when an SM scout spotted him. He entered the 2002 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) and won first place for Best Outward Appearance. He made his debut as a panelist on SBS "One Night's TV Entertainment (한밤의 TV연예)" in 2004. His stage name Kangin (강인) means "strong benevolence." He is known for his physical strength.

Shin Dong Hee (신동희)
Stage Name : Shin Dong (신동)
Chinese Name : 申 東 熙 / 申 東 or 神 童
English Name : Matthew Shin
Nickname(s): Dongri Dong Dong (from Ppo Ppo Ppo)
Date of Birth: September 28, 1985
Place of Birth: Moonkyung in Northern KyungGi Province (Kyungbook Moonkyung/경북 문경) (경 기도 일산)
Height: 178 cm/5' 10.1"
Weight: 90 kg/198 lb (he stated on his minihompy that he started his current diet at 103 kg/227 lb. Shindong stated during an interview during the Super Show in Shanghai that at one point, he had lost up to 19 kg, but that he had gained 4 kg back so he's lost a total of 15 kg - 11/22/08; as of 3/25, Shindong stated that he's gained back 10kg from his peak weight loss of 20kg so at ~93 kg/205 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Siblings: only child
Specialty/Hobby: Making facial expressions, Making jokes, Dancing
Education: Paekche Institute of the Arts (백제예술대학)
Soompi Thread:
Misc. Info.: Prior to joining SM, Shindong won the 2002 and 2003 Goyangshi Youth Dance contest (Grand Prize in 2002 and Gold Prize in 2003) and the 2004 Mnet Epi Contest (Gold Prize and Popularity Award). He entered the 2005 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) and won first place for Best Comedian and Grand Prize overall. Shindong made his debut the same year as the MC for DBSK's Sweet Rose Party. He owns a scooter which he calls Kkoolie (꿀이 which is equivalent to "Oinkie" since in Korea "kkool" is the sound pigs make) and often goes riding with Sungmin, with whom he also shares a love of photography. His stage name Shindong (신동), originally comes from his last name and first character of his first name (申 東), but they often take a different meaning to his name, 神 童 which means "prodigy" and is aptly named since Shindong is known for his numerous creative abilities.

Lee Sung Min (이성민)
Chinese Name : 李 成 民
English Name : Vincent Lee
Nickname(s): Sweet Pumpkin (단호박 comes from his line in a one-episode drama called "Sea of sisters"), Minimi (미니미)
Date of Birth: January 1, 1986
Place of Birth: Ilsan in KyungGi Province (경기도 일산) (서울)
Height: 175 cm/5' 8.9"
Weight: 57 kg/125.4 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: younger brother Lee Sungjin
Pets: Ari (Yorkshire Terrier dog, name means "Fighting" in Korean. This isn't the same dog that he looked after for a month on "Animal Farm." That Ari was adopted by another family.)
Specialty/Hobby: Chinese martial arts, Acting, Watching movies, Playing instruments
Education: Transferred from Seoul Arts University (서울예대학교); currently a student at Myongji University (명지대학교)
Misc. Info.: Sungmin entered the 2001 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) and jointly along with Donghae won first place for Best Outward Appearance. He debuted on SBS "Showdown of the Century (세기의 대결)," a show that showcased various SM trainees, hosted by Kangta and Moon Heejun of H.O.T. in 2002. He owns a scooter which he calls Byul (별 which means Star) and often goes riding with Shindong, with whom he also shares a love of photography.

Lee Hyuk Jae (이혁재)
Stage Name : Eun Hyuk (은혁)
Chinese Name : 李 赫 宰 / 銀 赫
English Name : Spencer Lee
Nickname(s): Jewel Guy (보석미남), Monkey (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: April 4, 1986
Place of Birth: Goyangshi NeungGok (고양시 능곡) (경기도 일산)
Height: 176 cm/5' 9.3" (mentioned on Yashimmanman that his real height was +/- 2 cm so 174 cm/5' 8.5" :))
Weight: 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type: O
Siblings: older sister Lee Sora (1984)
Pets: Choco (lives with his parents)
Specialty/Hobby: Dancing (all genres), Exercising, Listening to music
Education: Currently a student at Pai Chai University (배재대학교)
Misc. Info.: Eunhyuk entered SM in 2000. His best friend since elementary school is DBSK's Xiah Junsu. They went to the same school and due to their mutual love of dancing, they became dance partners and best friends. He, like Sungmin, debuted on SBS "Showdown of the Century (세기의 대결)," a show that showcased various SM trainees, hosted by Kangta and Moon Heejun of H.O.T. in 2002. His stage name was created because there is a well-known Korean comedian who has the same name. He decided to add an Eun which means "silver" thus the precious jewel of his nickname to the first part of his name deriving Eunhyuk.

Lee Dong Hae (이동해)
Chinese Name : 李 東 海
English Name : Aiden Lee
Nickname(s): Fishy (물고기, it's actually just "fish" but because of how Koreans pronounce it, it became "Fishy" to international fans), Donghae Bada (동해바다, East Sea), Pinocchio (named by Heechul), Dorobbong (part of the Bbong brothers with Heechul and U-Know Yunho), Tiger (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: October 15, 1986
Place of Birth: Mokpo in Southern Jeolla Province (Jeollanamdo Mokpo/전라남도 목포)(전라남도 목포)
Height: 175 cm/5' 8.9"
Weight: 60 kg/132 lb (Donghae mentioned on Itta Upta 4/4/09 that he weighed 59kg)
Blood Type: A
Siblings: older brother Donghwa
Pets: Bada (Bichon Maltese dog, name comes from Donghae's name East Sea, thus Bada meaning "Sea"), Meo (Bichon Maltese dog, name is short for "Romeo")
Specialty/Hobby: Dancing, Exercise, Singing, Watching movies
Education: Currently a student at Myongji University (명지대학교)
Misc. Info.: Donghae was encouraged to become a singer by his late father (who passed away on August 8, 2006 due to melonoma), who had wanted to pursue singing as a youth, but was never able to. He was a member of the Starlight Academy and jointly with Sungmin won first place in 2001 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) for Best Outward Appearance. His real name Donghae means "East Sea" and thus a lot of his nicknames derive from this. Currently, he operates a minihompy under the name Kim Hyang Sook, which is his mother's name. The reason for this is that his last minihompy was hacked into so he no longer has access to it.(mentioned during an interview)

Choi Si Won (최시원)
Chinese Name : 崔 始 源
English Name : Andrew Choi
Nickname(s): Simba (named by Heechul), Horse (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: February 10, 1987 (Apparently, Shiwon's real birthday is April 7, 1986... Eeteuk said Shiwon's birthday was coming up soon on his minihompy on 4/5/09. The story is that his parents didn't registered his birth until February of the following year for whatever reason so in official documents his birthday is listed as February 10. However, despite the fact that his actual birthday is April 7, February 10 is the birthday he officially celebrates with Super Junior fans so...)
Place of Birth: Seoul Gangnam (south of Han River near Apgujung) (서울 강남)
Height: 183 cm/6'
Weight: 65 kg/143 lb
Blood Type: B
Siblings: younger sister Choi Jiwon
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Dancing, Acting, Taekwondo, Chinese (language), Playing drums
Official Website:
Soompi Thread:
Education: Currently a student at Inha University (인하대학교), Physical Education major
Misc. Info.: Siwon was spotted by an SM scout during his junior high graduation. Against the objections of his father and much struggle, he joined SM in 2003 and made his debut in Dana's MV "What is Love" in October 2003.

Kim Ryeo Wook (김려욱)
Chinese Name : 金 麗 旭
English Name : Nathan Kim
Nickname(s): Eternal Mangnae (만년막내 literally means "for 10,000 years, the youngest")
Date of Birth: June 21, 1987
Place of Birth: Inchon Bupyung Sanggokdong (인천 부평 상곡동)
Height: 173 cm/5' 8.1"
Weight: 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type: O
Siblings: only child
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Composition
Education: Currently a student at Inha University (인하대학교), Theater Arts major
Misc. Info.: Ryeowook won first place in a singing contest on MBC FM radio's ‘별이 빛나는 밤에 (Starry Night)’ which lead him to enter the 2004 CMB ChinChin Star Festival (CMB 친친 청소년가요제) where he won Silver Award. He was a devout fan of the female pop group S.E.S. and was a member of their official fanclub.

Kim Ki Bum (김기범)
Chinese Name : 金 基 范
English Name : Bryan Trevor Kim
Nickname(s): Snow White (named by Heechul), Yangban Kim (named by Heechul)
Date of Birth: August 21, 1987
Place of Birth: Seoul (서울)
Height: 179 cm/5' 10.5" (stated on Yashimmanman that his real height was 177 cm/5' 9.7")
Weight: 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: younger sister Kim Saehee
Official Website:
Soompi Thread:
Education: Unknown
Misc. Info.: Kibum was spotted walking around during a Korean Festival in LA by a SM scout and joined SM in 2002. He made his first appearance in the KBS2 drama "April Kiss" in 2004 as the younger version of the main character.

Cho Kyu Hyun (조규현)
Chinese Name : 趙 奎 賢
English Name : Marcus Cho
Nickname(s): Kim Kyu (김규, named by Heechul), Game Kyu (겜규) , Jumong Kyu (주몽규) , Chic Kyu (시크규)
Date of Birth: February 3, 1988
Place of Birth: Seoul Nohwon (서울 노원) (서울)
Height: 180 cm/5' 10.9"
Weight: 68 kg/149.6 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: older sister Cho Ara (1985)
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Watching movies
Education: Currently a student at Kyunghee University (경희대학교), Post Modern Music major
Misc. Info.: Kyuhyun won Bronze Award at the 2005 CMB ChinChin Star Festival (CMB 친친 청소년가요제).

Member Profile Credit : Soompi forum
English Nama Credit : Donghae Biased @ Twitter